Elevation system in bases

Aug 28, 2018

First of all I enjoy playing on your server.
But when it comes to raiding bases, there is this thing..

U are not allowed to build safe rooms, right ? But u can build elevators to your safe rooms (garage doors boosting u to the rooms without other possible access).
Probably most of the big rich bases have that elevation system inside. So there we come to the problem...
These bases are basicly not raidable because of this fact. Now u will tell me "u can try to guess the door password" ... yea sure u will spent hours of guessing psw to doors.. and what if there are more than one elevator to safes ? like 5 of them? so u will guess password on 5 doors to get to the safes ? I mean good luck with that....

So we come to the point where the only raidable way to get into these bases is to glitch in, but wait, thats not allowed ... so u get banned for glitching into non-enterable rooms....

So the only "LEGAL" way is to guess (multiple) password(s) on the door(s) which makes this game a guessing game show to steal them rubbies.

The elevation systems to reach the safe rooms should not be allowed.

That is my opinion dear Admins.


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Aug 28, 2018
well since nobody really cares about the "elevators".. and every admin thinks its fair for the raiders, u can lock or delete this thread.

Aug 3, 2018
I've seen this on a large scale and it is a bit of a disadvantage and discouraging to other players. In the rules of building it strictly states bases must be able to be raided. Being able to raid a base should include the fact that their safes are accessible to get to without strenuous effort. Making a garage door into an elevator only defers people from actually raiding a base because of how many combinations they have to try in order to get past just ONE of the many possible elevators. To encourage raids, we should restrict, or possibly remove elevators from being used. 10,000 different combinations is daunting and again defers players.
Likes: nAh


Retired Manager
Apr 26, 2018
Well there are 1000 combinations for elevators .. But 10k for safes.. In my opinion ... The time it takes to go through a door 30 min to an hr.. (and on averagge multiply this by 3 or 4 doors.) PALES in compairison to the countless hours over perhaps MONTHS of gameplay that it took to acquire the material and money you stand to gain. 4 hours of your time to reap the rewards of 100's of hours or maybe much more of LOOT.. pretty good return on your investment. (ROI baby!) "Strenuous effort" should be required to basically remove months of effort by another player.

The truth is an elevator and bridge is only a small barrier to a diligent and dedicated player. Not that I want to give anyone here any ideas but the best evidence of this is Revanek and his crew.. had door crackers on his crew. And they would work through an entire base in a restart or two.. Have all the codes. .. then just raid at will. With in about 5 weeks or less they raided nearly every base on the server. Why does it this need to be easier? If anything I think it should be more difficult.
Aug 3, 2018
If there are only 1,000 different combinations and not 10,000, I don't see any problem with elevators either. A lock with 1,000 different combinations can still be easily cracked by a casual player in a short time frame.

As Faust said, the time it takes a player to crack a door(s) combination (1,000 possible combos) is only a small sacrifice in comparison to the rewards you will reap.